Jsl Editorial Team Pest Management In Commercial Kitchens And Restaurants.Many restaurants and commercial kitchen owners will do whatever it takes to keep their places free of pests because of the damaging effects
Jsl Editorial Team THE BENEFITS OF MICROBES TO HUMANSHOW DO MICROBES BENEFIT HUMANS? A good deal of energy is expended in fighting or avoiding certain microbes for example, by using antibacteri
Jsl Editorial Team RODENTS AND RODENT CONTROLRodents infest our homes looking for the same comforts that we do — food, shelter, warmth, mate, breeding space and water.
Jsl Editorial Team EARTH DAY - Is every Day! Earth Day was started in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson - a Democrat from Wisconsin, as a day of education about environmental issues.
Jsl Editorial Team MOSQUITOMETHODS OF PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF DISEASES It is of major public health importance to control mosquitoes since they are carriers of numer
Jsl Editorial Team DEALING WITH BATS “NUISANCE”WHAT ATTRACTS BATS TO OUR ROOFS? Apart from the fact that when bats’ natural habitats are lost, they tend to find other homes, certain fact
Jsl Editorial Team New forms of Waste: face masks a growing pollution problem.Already, we have different types of wastes that gain entry into our environmental media (especially, land and water). Then, COVID 19 happene
Jsl Editorial Team Medical WasteHealth care workers help to save lives but in the process, they also generate harmful wastes. Here in Nigeria, we often see medical wastes a
Jsl Editorial Team Waste Segregation: what, when, why and how? Waste segregation is a waste disposal process which helps to ensure that only a small portion of waste (the real waste) will get to the land
Jsl Editorial Team Types of WastesThere are different names that can be given as types of waste (with some of them having overlapping examples) but, we shall classify wastes
Jsl Editorial Team Identifying Common Types of CockroachesTo keep your family and home safe from a cockroach infestation, pest control and prevention is important. However, with approximately 4,000
Jsl Editorial Team Benefits of FumigationThere are many benefits of fumigation and here we have what we consider to be the most important advantages of having the service in your s